Community Support

Stand with members of our community and help support Cartersville Outreach Women’s Center

Clark Millsap – Sheriff of Bartow County

Since I have come to know Pastor David Bojczuk and the work he has accomplished at the Bartow County Jail, I am proud to give him and this cause my full support.  He has accomplished a great deal through his ministry and many lives have been changed, however, drug addiction, and homelessness are very grave concerns, and we trust that many women will find the help they need through the creation of a women’s transitional center.  Hope for a better future, transformed lives, and restoration through their faith in Christ and the efforts of those who care.

Danny Gilreath – Owner of Gilreath Carpet

My family and I are honored, through prayer and financial support, to join Cartersville Outreach International Ministry.  So many families are impacted by addiction. Organizations who walk alongside people who are living in this reality are a privilege to support.  This ministry, through a collaborative effort with local authorities, will provide the possibility of a better way of life, free from the strongholds of addiction.  The goal of this ministry to provide an opportunity for people to live out their created purpose, is something that will change lives and our community. 

Hunter Horton – Owner of Outdoor Exposure

After meeting with David and hearing his heart, I immediately knew I wanted to support the ministry.  The women’s center is going to be a great asset to our community and help those women in need.

Mickey Ray Thacker – Resident of Bartow County

I personally witnessed an event that David Bojczuk and the other dedicated people willed into being and to be truthful never thought it would aspire to the success that David wished. Well, thankfully I was wrong. I was amazed as I watched the baptism of over a hundred male and female inmates and one jail guard, and my usual skeptical self “Gladly” ate crow that day. I truly believe until the day I die, that I and others present witnessed a miracle. So David told me about the vision for a Women’s Center here in Bartow County, which is truly needed, all I got to say is God speed amen to that!! No more eating crow by me!   

Kim Lewis – Executive Director of Bartow Family Resources

As the Executive Director of Bartow Family Resources, I can say that we are excited about Cartersville Outreach Women’s Center becoming a reality in our community. We work with many moms who find themselves in difficult situations including incarceration. One of our biggest needs is helping these moms find housing upon their release. No woman should feel forced back into her at-risk lifestyle because she has nowhere to go. We have great need for a residential program like this and look forward to lending the full support of BFR to their efforts.

Dean Minter – Retired Captain of Bartow County Jail

Let me start by introducing myself; my name is Dean Minter.  I had the pleasure to serve the communities in which I lived for 34 ½ years, the last 3 years as the Assistant Jail Administrator for the Bartow County Sheriff’s Office, before I retired.  During my employment, I had the privilege to meet and get to know Pastor David Bojczuk and his family.  Since that time, I’ve come to personally know, respect, worship with, and grow in Christ with Cartersville Outreach Ministries.  I have watched Pastor Bojczuk allow GOD to use him and change the lives of MANY inmates, drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, and ordinary people by preaching the TRUTH. Pastor Bojczuk allows the vision of GOD to flow through him to change the lives of the broken, hurting, downtrodden, helpless, and hopeless people in and around Bartow County.  That’s why I support the effort of Pastor David Bojczuk in opening a Women’s Transitional Center, so that lives can be richly impacted and for the health and safety for our community, and for the Kingdom of God.  Please join me with your prayers, tax-free donations and monthly financial support for this AWESOME opportunity to change and impact lives.